Message of the Mayor


Right information is indispensable to all especially to a growing municipality like Camalig. Information and Communication Technology tools like cellular phones are already widely used. These are not considered luxuries anymore but already a necessity in the day to the ordinary citizens. [Read More]

Message of the Vice-Mayor


Welcome to Camalig, Albay the Pinangat Capital of the Philippines!

We warmly invite you to come and enjoy and if possible live with us in our distinctive and attention-grabbing culture.

Join us in achieving our fervent dream of making Camalig.. [Read More]

  In a bid to sustain youth participation and celebrate the love for art and cultural heritage, the Camalig Artist Guild, Camalig Children’s Organization, Municipal Tourism & Cultural Heritage Office (MTCHO), Municipal Social Welfare & Development Office (MSWDO), hosted “GIKAN asin GAYON,” a mobile art caravan purposely to further nurture creativity