Municipal Environment & Natural Resources Office (MENRO) chief, Mr. Florencio G. Reberta, Jr. reported the Commission on Audit’s (COA) assessment, noting a significant increase in the volume of generated and collected waste across the town. Said situation has prompted the board to critically evaluate LGU-Camalig’s existing waste management strategies.
To address this, he relayed ongoing and future interventions including, revisiting of the 10-year solid waste management plan, seeking assistance from the Department of Science & Technology (DOST) in waste analysis and characterization study, strict implementation of the “No Segregation, No Collection” policy, updating of the barangay solid waste management plan, implementation of the Halina’t Magtanim ng Gulay (HAPAG) program, conduct of information, education,
and communication (IEC) campaigns, and other initiatives.

Mr. Reberta also highlighted the need for some barangays to establish more than just basic materials recovery facilities (MRFs), stating that the MRFs should be strategically placed and adequately equipped to maximize waste diversion.
In the closing parts of the meeting, Camalig Local Chief Executive, Hon. Carlos “Caloy” Irwin G. Baldo, Jr. stressed the importance of adapting to Camalig’s increasing population and its growing environmental challenges, urging members to remain vigilant in their efforts to explore new methodologies that could further improve the town’s waste management system.
Article by: Mr. Tim L. Florece, PIO